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Trending: Are You Saying NO to Volunteers?

Preliminary statistics indicate that many Meals on Wheels programs are unable to or have been incredibly slow to adapt their volunteer programs to work with volunteers in a COVID-19 environment in 2020. Many Meals on Wheels websites advertise that they badly need volunteers for a wide range of projects but upon further review, many of these same Meals on Wheels programs are unable or unwilling to work with non-meal delivery and those offering to work on projects remotely. Finding ways to utilize volunteers to handle a wide-range of duties and responsibilities seems critically important to most Meals on Wheel programs, yet many volunteer coordinators that we have spoken to struggle with how to capitalize on these offers. The good news is that Mow-Services can help. Let us train and educate your volunteer coordinators on working with volunteers in 2020.  Training programs are available starting in July…

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